Lady Simone of Guttric gives birth to Sir Serge Fern of Guttric.


Sir John Fern of Guttric starts as guard at Guttric.


Sir Serge Fern of Guttric starts as guard at Guttric.


Christmas The sons of Sir Arnold Fern and Simone of Guttric, Sir John Fern and Sir Serge Fern, returns to Guttric Castle.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric tells in connecion witch the death of Lady Allyson, he is actually the father of Joine Bardek, and she is their half sister, and he is going to give her the title of lady of Guttric and a new robe for all of his childern.

Sir John Fern and Sir Serge know Joine Bardek well, and are accepting her as their sister, but Tristan Bardek is not fuond of being reminded, that he's infact not the father of his oldest daughter.


Late Winter Sir Arnold and Lady Simone of Guttric like the robes, Moyo Darron has made for them, and sir Arnold of Guttric promises the will order more clothers at her.

Lady Joine Carbolt is proud of her new title and her new robe, and hugs Moyo Darron as thank for the robe, she had made for her.

Sir John Fern and Sir Serge Fern of Guttric thank for the robes, too.


Christmas Sir John Fern arrives at Wondon.


Late Spring Pricess Melissa Larson visits Guttric Castle and informs Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric, her brother, The 16th king likes an allience between Wondon and Guttric shire to extend the relationship.

The unmarried Sir John Fern of Guttric likes Lady Stefani of Wondon, suggests he marrys her, to form an allience.

Early Summer Sir John Fern pf Guttric is packing a medallion, he can give to Lady Stefani of Wondon, and is following Pricess Melissa Larson to The Goblet at sharton.

At sharton, Pricess Melissa continues to Wondon Casle, to meet her sister's childern, while Sir John Fern of Guttric is linckering at Sharton, to pursuade Robyn McGovern to go with him to iintroduces Lady Stefani of Wondon for the Guttrician entertainment.

Robyn McGovern love to reunite with Bradley Owens, and after saying goodbey to her husband and child, Esmond McGovern and Reg McGovern, who don't wanted to go with her, she follows Sir John Fern of Guttric to Wondon Shire.

Midsummer Sir Johm Fern of Guttric arrives at Wondon Town with Robyn McGovern, who get an accommodation at The Old with next to the accommodation of Ley and Anthony Reise and the accommodation of Melanie Noneman.

Sir Johm of Guttric continues to the Castle, to make his proposal to Lady Stefani pf Wondon, who he's captuated in.

At The Reception Hall, John Fern pf Guttric desires to marry the sister of Sir William of Wondon, Lady Stefani of Wondon, in exchange for friendship between Wondon Shire and Guttric Shire. Sir William of Wondon agrees to this marries, if he can persuade Lady Stefani to marry Sir John Fern of Guttric.

John Fern of Guttric, then went to his accommodation to expectantly waiting.

Lady Stefani of Wondon visits the accommodation of Sir John Fern of Guttric, where his gives her a medallion as a tocing of his affection.

Next morning, Lady Stefani of Wondon has hangovers, and dreans about the gorgeous blok, she was snogging with last night, so when Sir John Fern of Guttric enters her appartment. She gets annoyed at Sir John Fern of Guttric.

Next morning Lady Stefani is having a rage at Sir John Fern of Guttric, before she goes hunting with Emma Valdor.

Next day at The Reception Hall, Sir John Fern of Guttric begins having doubts about, Lady Stefani will marry him, and now she has gone hunting.

Sir William of Wondon assurs Sir John Fern of Guttric, if nessesary, he will force his sister to marry him.

Sir William of Wondon is listening to Anthony Reise telling, the carpenter shop has been robbed. Eagerly to show his good intentions to John Fern of Guttric, he orders to set in a pursue of the villainds, and he, sir John Fern, Captain Nicolas Meligan and Anthony are mounting their horses.

In the afternoon, Sir William of Wondon, Sir John Fern of Guttric, Captain Nicolas Meligan and Anthony Reise get to the town, and Sir William is talkíng to Boris Smith, who tells them, that the villainds have escaped in the dirction of Guttric Brige.

Sir William of Wondon with his captain, Nicolas Meligan, the sheriff, Boris Smith, Sir John Fern of Guttric contiue their persue of the villainds until it got dark without finding them.

In the end, they're almost at Guttric Brige, then they turn around, and go back to Wondon Town.

At night, Melanie Noneman informs Sir William of Wondon, her sister, Julie Warren had birthed a daughter during the day, and his sister Lady Stefani has already booked an accommodation at the inn, so if Sir William can share accommodation with his sister, and the accommodation of the villainds is emtied, she already has cheched, so Sir John Fern of Guttric can have it, the midwife, Ley Reise is still here, and her son, Anthony Reise is sleeping at her accommodation, but she can go an ask her aunt, Amanda Noneman, if she can make a bed for Captain Nicolas Meligan, we got accomodation for everybody.

While Melanie Noneman is daffing to the dairy, to ask Amanda for an accommodation for Captain Nicolas Meligan, Sir William of Wondon is talking to his sister.

Lady Stefani of Wondon is in better moode, and promises to come home to marry Sir John Fern of Guttric in due time, but right now, she's on a hunt with Emma Valdor.

Next morning, Melanie Noneman is serving breakfast for Sir William and Lady Stefani of Wondon, sir John Fern of Guttric, Ley and Anthony Reise, and when captain Nicolas Meligan shows up accopaned by Elissa Noneman, him too.

When Emma Valdor shows up, to contiue their hunt, Lady Stefani gives Sir John Fern a hug, before they takes off cheching their traps.

After Breakfast, Sir William of Wondon, Sir John Fern of Guttric and captain Nicolas Meligan are begining traveling to Wondon Castle.

Next morning, Lady Stefani of Wondon is dreaning of the gorgeous thieve, she has at the dungeon of Wondon, when Sir John Fern of Guttric enters her appartment.

Sir John Fern of Guttric prises Lady Stefani of Wondon for catching the thieves, but she gets annoyed, and throws him out of her appartment.

In the afternoon, William of Wondon has summoned Lady Stefani of Wondon, Sir John Fern of Guttric, Princess Melissa Larson, and Captain Nicolas Meligan, brings Philip Arden and Miranda Calzone from the dungeon as prisoners, to deside on a penelty over the thieves.

Philip Arden and Miranda Calzone admit to steal the chest of gold, some money from The Old Witch, the medalion of Lady Stefani of Wondon and a bottle of contraception potion, and when running away from the bill at The Old Witch.

While Philip Arden admits to his crimes, Lady Stefani of Wondon whispers to her brother, Sir William of Wondon.

Annoyed Sir William of Wondon loudly pronaces, he will punish Philip Arden with, being married to his sister, Lady Stefani of Wondon, and put Miranda Calzone back in chains at the dungeon, he adds.

While Captain Nicolas Meligan drags, the crying Miranda Calzone to the dungeon, and Lady Stefani of Wondon puts her new husband in a harness, and takes the bottle of contraception potion and walks away witb him, while Sir John Fern of Guttric leaves The Reception Hall in anger.

Next morning, Princess Melissa Larson follows the sad and mad Johm Fern of Guttric back to Guttric Castle.

Late Summer At the main hall, Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Simone of Guttric are expectantly reciving their son, Sir Johm Fern of Guttric and Princess Melissa Larson.

Sir John Fern of Guttric informs his parents the miserable news, that the villainds, who robbed Moyo Wardon The Witch in Guttric Brige had been caught in Wondon, and Sir William had punished the one of the villainds, Miranda Calzone, by putting her in the dungeon of Wondon Castle, and the other, he punished him by marrying him to his sister, Lady Stefani of Wondon, instead of marrying her to Sir Joihn of Guttric.

Surprisely, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric responds. He had hoped for the allience with Wondon, would be confirmed by a marriage between his son and Lady Stefani of Wondon, but if Sir William of Wondon thinks, it shall be a punishment, to be married to his sister, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric shall resign from the claime of marriage.

Next day In the afternoon, Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Simone of Guttric are comforting their Son, John Fern, and Sir Arnold adresses the robbery of tailor at Guttric Bridge had been robbed Sir Arnold objects the issue, that Sir William of Wondon might think, that it will be a punchiment, getting married to Lady Stefani., but he find, a compensation for the witch, Moyo Warron, Will be in place.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric suggest, Sir Johm Fern he's accompaning his sister, Lady Joine Bardek, to the tailor of Guttric Bridge, to compensate Moyo Wardon for the robbery.

In the evening next day, Sir Johm Fern of Guttric and Lady Joine Bardek are booking in at The Small Sins at Bruce Wolff at Guttric Bridge.

Next morning, Soraya Wolff is serving breakfast for Sir John Fern of Guttric and Lady Joine Bardek is going to the tailor.

At the tailor, Diane Wardon tells Sir John Fern of Guttric and Lady Joine Bardek, how Philip Arden had cheated her, and tied her, while he and Miranda Calzone was robbing the shop.

Sir John Fern of Guttric fells sorry for Diane Wardon, and snogs her, while Lady Joine Bardek, and tells Waldo and Moyo Darron, they are here to make a compensation for the robbery by ordering a set of robes, they can be manifacturing for them.

Next day, Hugo and Gagan Darron takes measurments for the sizes robes, while Sir John Fern of Guttric amorily is cuddling Diane Wardon, while she's taking his measurments.

Sir John Fern entustiaticly invites Diane Wardon to see the show, at The Dancing Cat At Leafton, and she sais thank you.

Next day, Sir Johm Fern of Guttric is following Tom Wolff, who is going to see his girlfriend Lyndsay Taiwan, to the trader at Guttric Bridge, where as Lady Joine Bardek stays to survay the progress of the robes.

While Tom Wolff is kissing and cuddling with Lyndsay Taiwan, Sir John Fern agrees with Luis Taiwan, that Bruno Taiwan can drive Sir John Fern of Guttric and Diane Wardon to Leafton, where he can buy some crates from the Brewery.

Next day, John Fern Of Guttric and Diane Wardon are driving though the forest to Leafton with Bruno Taiwan as driver, and Johm Fern and Diane starts kissing and cuddling.

In the evening, the Sir John Fern of Guttric, Diane Wardon and Bruno Taiwan arriving at Leafton, and Sir Johm Fern of Guttric books three accommodations for them at The Dancing Cat.

Bruce Taiwan has to load the wagon next day, but Cynthia Thyan tells them, that Alex Gullette will play to night, but tomorrow, her daughter in law, Cathy, will be dancing.

Sir John Fern of Guttric and Diane Wardon are kissing and cuddling to the music, Alex Gullette is playing until they get aroused, and go to their accommodation and bump the uglicshs with each other.

Next day, Bruce Taiwan goes to load to the Brewery, to load his wagon, and Sir John Fern and Diane Wardon are enjoying each others company, and Dianna () Gullette do the stage for tonight with his son Ronnie.

Paulette Gullette is serving dinner for Sir John Fern of Guttric and Diane Wardon, and after they had eaten, Bruno Taiwan and Howard Thayn from the Brewery to see Cathy Thayn dance.

After Alex Gullette and Cathy Thayn had finied performing, Sir John Fern of Guttric is aroused again, and he goes to his accommodation to bump the uglicshs with Diane Wardon.

Next morning, Bruno Taiwan is driving, Sir John Fern og Guttric and Diane Wardon home though the forest to Guttric Bridge, while they're armorously kissing and cuddling at the wagon.

It's dusk, when Bruno Taiwan gets to The Small Sins, where Sir Sir John Fern of Guttric sais hellow to his sister, Lady Lady Joine Bardek.

Tom Wolff is serving supper, for Sir John Fern of Guttric, Lady Joine Bardek and Diane Wardon.

After supper, Sir John Fern of Guttric and Diane Wardon are resigning to passionately bumping the uglicshs the rest of the night.


Late WinterSir John Fern of Guttric makes Lady Diane of Guttric and pregnant.

Early Summer At the quarters of Sir John Fern and Lady Diane of Guttric, Captaian Nicolas Meligan vakes up, Sir John Fern and Lady Diane at dawn, to tell whem, there is a wicked witch loose at the casle, and Sir William of Wondon wants their help to catch her.

Lady Diane of Guttric is not so found of catching a witch, since her mother, Moyo Darron, onece was accused of witchcrafting in Wondon, and she's protesting against hunting the wicked Witch, and feel sorry for the witch.

While having a descursing with his wife, Sir John Fern of Guttric spots the wicked witch in a haystack at the coutyard, and he quickly grabs a bag, and jumps out of the window with the bag.

While putting on her boot again, Witchy Vicky innocentlly explains, she wants just to telling his nice guard about, the adventures they were on last night, when Sir John Fern of Guttric suddendly jumps down, and puts her in a bag.

While Sir John Fern of Guttric laces the bag, and Witchy Vicky is kicking, while she's shouting, he asks, if he's going to drown the wicked witch in the well right away.

Trying to remain calm, Sir Willia of Wondon orders Sir John Fern of Guttric to load the wicked witch on to his carriage, Natan Meligan is arriving with, and sais he is going to drive the witch away, immediately.

While Sir William of Wondon is driving out of the castle gate, with Witchy Vicky angryly is kicking and shouting in her bag, he shouts, Lady Stefani Arden is in charge of the castle, while he's away.

While Lady Stefani Arden is closing the gate behind Sir William of Wondon, Witchy Vicky shouts from her bag on the carriage, it's no way to treat you wife!.

Late AutummLady Diane of Guttric delivers birth to Lady Hanna of Guttric.